ESC completes environmental testing, permit applications, and inspections required for air emissions, surface water discharges, and stormwater. The firm has been providing environmental permits and testing services for over 30 years. ESC also prepares all required reports and can mitigate any problems you may encounter so you can devote your time to running your business.
ESC is the answer to your air emissions compliance needs. We can prepare the permit application, negotiate the terms with the regulatory agency, prepare the annual operating report, modify your permit, mitigate enforcement, and complete visible emissions testing. ESC has over 75 years of combined experience in the air emissions field and provides rapid and first rate professional services.
Ready-mix concrete plant with sand.
ESC provides professional consultation in the following two stormwater areas:
NPDES Industrial Stormwater
These services are required by the Florida NPDES Industrial Stormwater Multi-Sector Generic Permit rule. They apply to facilities with certain Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes which are primarily in the manufacturing sector but include industrial facilities such as boat repair yards, printing plants, soil thermal treatment units, and more. Facilities are covered if they have equipment or operations outside with potential pollutants which may be entrained in stormwater runoff entering navigable waters of the U.S. (which is a lot more inclusive than the layman would think). These operations include the obvious manufacturing procedures, but also open dumpsters, air compressors, and material handling, which may not be so obvious.
ESC can:
Prepare or revise your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Complete your Stormwater Monitoring & Analysis
Mitigate enforcement action
Train Pollution Prevention Team
Retention Pond Inspections
These periodic inspections are required by your permit issued by the Water Management District. ESC’s Professional Engineer (PE) on staff completes these himself, then signs and seals the report forms. If warranted, corrective action is recommended. The inspections are professional and efficient.
Surface Water
ESC has been providing surface water quality professional services since 1987. We can complete the following services for you:
NPDES Industrial Individual Permit Application
Securing coverage under a General Permit for specific manufacturers such as Concrete Ready Mix Plants