Sudden Concern with Silica

Increasing Use

Why the sudden concern with silica? Silica is a major component of planet Earth and has been from the beginning of time.  As a result, mankind has always been exposed to silica. However, exposure is higher than ever. This is because of increased activity in the construction and industrial areas.

ready-mix concrete plant with sand aka silica
Ready-mix concrete contains silica

Lower Limits

OSHA’s (U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s, silica limits are now lower due to the sudden concern with silica a few years ago.  To explain, these limits are OSHA’s Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs).  Because of the sudden concern with silica, OSHA lowered the PELs for three sectors of workers. Explaining further, those sectors are general industry (29 CFR 1910), maritime industry (29 CFR 1915, 1917, & 1918), and construction (29 CFR 1926).

Disease, the Real Concern with Silica

In the 1930’s, the United States became concerned with silica and the resulting disease silicosis. It is unknown why it suddenly came to the forefront. However, read on for more information on silicosis.

Silica Defined

Silica is a chemical compound, which by definition means there are at least two chemical elements. Firstly, is silicon (Si) which has metallic and non-metallic properties and makes up a large part of the earth’s crust. Secondly, is oxygen (O), which we all know human beings need to survive. Thirdly, comes the chemical reaction where one atom of silicon combines with two atoms of oxygen. Silicon dioxide or SO-2 is the resulting compound. Silica or sand is the common name. Silica makes up quartz, sand, and other substances. Finally, silica occurs in concrete, granite, slate, sandstone, and sandpaper, among other things.

Concern with Silica & Workers

Exposure Routes

Silica can enter the body via three routes. Firstly, it can enter through the skin, known as dermal exposure. Secondly, it can enter through the mouth and digestive system, known as ingestion. Finally, silica can enter the body through the respiratory tract, known as inhalation. Of those three routes, inhalation is the most significant and worst route, because it can end up in the worker’s lungs. As a result, the worker can develop silicosis. Even more important, the greater the exposure the greater the likelihood of silicosis.

Effect on the Body

Silicosis is the respiratory condition that can result from breathing in silica. It is a terrible disease which affects countless workers exposed to silica dust. Here is a link to OSHA’s video on silicosis: .  It is short and to the point. It makes a strong point for avoiding silica exposure.

Testing Workers

ESC has lots of experience testing for silica. The firm has tested at various construction job sites under real and worst case conditions. Typically, this is done where concrete is being cut, milled, or drilled.

ESC has tested at manufacturing plants where granite counter tops are made, concrete products are constructed, roofing shingles are manufactured, and fertilizer is compounded, plus at a college where pottery is made.  ESC’s Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH, works with ESC’s staff level industrial hygienists in designing testing projects, interpreting the results, and preparing the report. More information is available on ESC’s web site.

Environmental Safety Consultants


Contact ESC ( for silica testing or more information. ESC has been providing such testing in the industrial hygiene area for over thirty years and has a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH). The staff has the credentials and experience to help with all silica testing and consulting needs. ESC strives to respond immediately to all inquiries. Contact ESC today!

Industrial Hygiene Testing Results

Industrial Hygiene Blogs So Far

This is the ninth in a series of blogs on industrial hygiene (IH). Our last blog covered the selection of an industrial hygiene testing firm. The current blog will address what to do with the industrial hygiene testing results.

The Report

Most likely, if you selected a reputable firm with experience and a Certified Industrial Hygienist on staff, you will end up with a thorough report. The objective and scope of work will be stated and the methods will be identified. Details of the testing event will be provided. Then, the results will be presented and evaluated. They will be compared to regulatory limits of the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA, and recommended limits of organizations such as the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH,

Oftentimes, we are asked why limits beyond OSHA’s are included. The reason is that in many cases, OSHA’s limits are 40 years old. They have not been able to keep up with new information and data, because most of their moves are challenged in court. We are talking worker protection here and minimizing your company’s liabilities. The other limits such as ACGIH’s Threshold Limit Values® (TLVs®) and NIOSH’s Recommended Exposure Limits (RELs) are more current and can be considered industry standards. Our legal friends tell us that you can be held accountable to industry standards in a court of law. Therefore, you want to take these recommended limits seriously.

Control Options

So, let’s say your report shows that the airborne concentrations of certain chemicals in your plant exceed the regulatory or recommended limits. What are your options to control the situation? OSHA would prefer that you use administrative controls or engineering controls INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE TESTING RESULTSfirst and as a last resort personal protective equipment (PPE).  Why is PPE considered a last resort? Because it is the last line of defense.  If it fails, your workers may be ex-posed to hazardous airborne concentrations. Therefore, OSHA prefers that the hazard be eliminated or reduced to a level that is either nonhazardous or is as low as reasonably achievable.

Here are a few examples of controls. Administrative controls may involve substitution of chemicals with less hazardous chemicals, or shift rotation to minimize the time of exposure, or changing the task so the worker is less exposed, or training employees properly. Engineering controls could include exhaust ventilation, automated dispensing of chemicals, general ventilation, and more. Of course PPE includes respirators, safety glasses, welding curtains, protective clothing, gloves, and on and on.

What Next?

Assemble the appropriate players and evaluate the different control options. The cost, effectiveness, and likelihood to be used are real factors for serious consideration. Once a selection is made and the controls are implemented, decide when to retest. After all, you probably won’t know whether the controls are effective without data.

So that concludes our blog on what to do with the results from completing industrial hygiene testing. And we have now covered a lot of ground in the field of industrial hygiene.

If you need any help, Environmental Safety Consultants ( is here.  We are a Florida licensed environmental engineering company with a CIH on staff.  We have the credentials and experience to help you complete your industrial hygiene project.

We are just a telephone call (800-226-1735) or an e-mail away (  Contact us today!

Industrial Hygiene Testing Firm Selection

Industrial Hygiene Blogs So Far

This is the eighth in a series of blogs on industrial hygiene (IH). Our last blog covered the design of industrial hygiene testing. The current blog will address how to select an industrial hygiene firm to do the testing.

Selection Players

Most likely, you will need other players besides yourself to select the firm to do the industrial hygiene testing. It often takes representatives from Safety, Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, and Purchasing. Each of these players has a different interest and plays a different role in the project. They have interests in worker protection, compliance, production efficiency, and expenditure of money and man hours. They must communicate on the project.  A meeting may be necessary.

Testing Objective

best industrial hygiene testing firmAssuming that you are in charge of Safety, you need to control the selection and must make sure that the players understand the objective. You want to be clear and concise. For example, you may advise the players that our objective is to determine if our painters applying the primer and finish coats are being overexposed to methylene chloride. They spray the paints off and on for a total of six hours during their eight hour shift five days a week. We have exhaust ventilation in the paint spray booths and they wear full facepiece air purifying respirators equipped with organic vapor filters piggybacked with particulate filters. Assuming the respirators have the proper protection factor, what are they exposed to if the respirator fails or they do not don it properly? We want to know what the airborne methylene chloride concentration is on an eight hour time weighted average (TWA) basis and on a fifteen to thirty minute short-term basis. Does it exceed the limits of OSHA ( or ACGIH ( If so, we need to reduce their exposure.

Selection Criteria

Again, you will need to take the lead in suggesting the criteria to select the industrial hygiene testing firm. You may specify that the firm has on staff a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), ten years of experience, a quick response time, and a reasonable turnaround time. Other players will have their criteria.

Purchasing may want to check the firm out on Dun & Bradstreet to make sure they are financially sound.

Request Estimate

Once the criteria have been established, request an estimate from one or two firms. Define the objective, operation, paints, and shift. The industrial hygiene firm may or may not want to visit your plant before submitting the estimate.

Specify all of your company’s criteria and conditions in completing the work. Let the firm(s) know up front what the expectations and schedule are.

Review Estimate

You need to review the estimate first and request revisions if necessary. Once it meets all the requirements, the other players need to review either it or your recommendation. Reach a decision and award the job, then get it done.

So that concludes our recommended procedure to select an industrial hygiene firm to complete your testing. In our next blog in this series, we will discuss what to do with the results.

In the meantime, if you need any help, Environmental Safety Consultants ( is here.  We are a Florida licensed environmental engineering company with a CIH on staff.  We have the credentials and experience to help you complete your industrial hygiene project.

We are just a telephone call (800-226-1735) or an e-mail away (  Contact us today!

Industrial Hygiene Testing Details

Industrial Hygiene Blogs So Far

This is the seventh in a series of blogs on industrial hygiene (IH).  The first one explained that industrial hygiene was the recognition, evaluation, and control of hazards in the workplace.  The second blog defined a hazard as a source of danger or an agent which has the potential to cause harm to a vulnerable target.  Sources of hazards were identified in manufacturing, construction, maritime, office, and other workplaces.  Different types of resources were identified such as guidelines provided by the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA, and the National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH,

The third blog focused on the recognition or identification of hazards.  The fourth one walked you through an example of hazard recognition for a specific operation.  The fifth blog provided an overview of the evaluation of industrial hygiene hazards.  Then the sixth blog presented an overview of industrial hygiene testing as one method to complete the evaluation of potential industrial hygiene hazards.  Finally, this current blog will cover the design of industrial hygiene testing.

Industrial Hygiene Testing Objective

Industrial Hygiene Testing DetailsThe specific industrial hygiene testing depends on the source of the hazard and the operation.  In general, the first step is to define the objective of the testing.  For example, the objective may be to determine if there is an oxygen deficient atmosphere in a chemical vat during a cleanout operation.  Details are needed on the operation to establish the testing approach.  For the vat example, the operation may involve two maintenance employees who clean out the vat during a four hour period once a week.  The vat is emptied  and dried out on Friday.  On Monday, the two employees are lowered down into the vat after donning personal protective equipment.  They use absorbent cleaning towels and an innocuous cleaner.  The next step is to determine how the objective will be met.

Industrial Hygiene Testing Details

The objective will be met by selecting the right procedure and executing it.  To flesh out the details, start by answering  the what, who, when, how, and where questions.  What testing method will best meet the objective?  Who should complete the testing?  How long will the testing last?  What is the time table for getting the results?  When will a verbal report be provided?  What will be the specific content of the written report?  When will the written report be provided?  If the testing confirms there is a hazard, will corrective action be recommended?

Finally, identify any special requirements of your company in having the testing performed.  For example, are photographs of the testing required?  What about written descriptions of the tasks which the employees perform during testing?  Make no assumptions as to what will be included in the testing or report.  It is better to review it up front, rather than to be disappointed in the end.

So that concludes our overview of industrial hygiene testing.  In our next blog in this series, we will discuss how to select an industrial hygiene firm to do the testing.  That process often includes multiple players and departments at your company.

In the meantime, if you need any help, Environmental Safety Consultants ( is here.  We are a Florida licensed environmental engineering company with a CIH on staff.  We have the credentials and experience to help you complete your industrial hygiene project.

We are just a telephone call (800-226-1735) or an e-mail away (  Contact us today!

Industrial Hygiene Testing Overview

Industrial Hygiene Articles So Far

This is the sixth in a series of blogs on industrial hygiene (IH).  The first one explained that industrial hygiene was the recognition, evaluation, and control of hazards in the workplace.  The second blog defined a hazard as a source of danger or an agent which has the potential to cause harm to a vulnerable target.  Sources of hazards were identified in manufacturing, construction, maritime, office, and other workplaces.  Different types of resources were identified such as guidelines provided by the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA, and the National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH,

The third blog focused on the recognition or identification of hazards.  The fourth one walked you through an example of hazard recognition for a specific operation.  The fifth blog provided an overview of the evaluation of industrial hygiene hazards.  And finally, this blog will round out the series with an industrial hygiene testing overview as one method to complete the evaluation of potential industrial hygiene hazards.

Testing Methods

The testing method selection depends on the type of hazard.  So you may have an inhalation hazard due to the presence of one or more of the following:

industrial hygiene testing overview

  • Chemicals
  • Particulates
  • Oxygen Deficiency
  • Toxic Gases
  • Biological Organisms

Or, you may have a noise hazard.  Alternatively, you may have a heat stress hazard.  Finally, you may have a radiation, biological, or any of several other hazards.  It should be obvious that different testing methods are used for different types of hazards.

So testing methods are varied.  For airborne hazards, there are sampling pumps and collection media analyzed in a lab.  There are also badges that can be worn for certain time periods which are then analyzed in a lab for volatile organic compounds, radiation, or other constituents.  Electronic meters are available to instantaneously measure certain chemicals, particulates, toxic or explosive gases, noise, radiation, or other parameters.  These devices may also measure the oxygen concentration in the air to determine if it is deficient.  Air samples can also be collected and analyzed in a lab for bacteria or mold.

Those are just some of the testing methods.  And again, they are selected based on the potential hazard and the operation.  The actual selection is part of testing design which is covered in our next blog.

So that concludes our overview of industrial hygiene testing.  In the meantime, if you need any help, Environmental Safety Consultants ( is here.  We are a Florida licensed environmental engineering company with a CIH on staff.  We have the credentials and experience to help you complete your industrial hygiene project.

We are just a telephone call (800-226-1735) or an e-mail away (  Contact us today!


Evaluation – Industrial Hygiene Hazards

Industrial Hygiene Blogs So Far

This is the fifth in a series of blogs on industrial hygiene (IH).  The first one explained that industrial hygiene was the recognition, evaluation, and control of hazards in the workplace.  The second blog defined a hazard as a source of danger or an agent which has the potential to cause harm to a vulnerable target.  Sources of hazards were identified in manufacturing, construction, maritime, office, and other workplaces.  Different types of resources were identified such as guidelines provided by the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA, and the National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH,  The third blog focused on the recognition or identification of hazards.  The fourth one walked you through an example of hazard recognition for a specific operation.  And this blog will provide an overview of the evaluation of industrial hygiene hazards.

Types of Evaluation

So you have identified the potential hazards through the recognition process and now you are ready to evaluate the hazards.  There are a few ways that this can be done.

One is to estimate what the air concentrations of the chemical or dust of concern are from analyzing the operation or manufacturing method.  For example, certain assumptions are made as to how much of a paint or substance ends up on the part and then estimate how much ends up in the air.  You would have to use the Safety Data Sheet and Technical Data Sheet to determine the concentration of the hazardous chemical in the product being used or applied.  You have to determine how much goes off as a vapor for things like paint to estimate volatile organic compounds (VOCs, such as solvents) and how much overspray there is to account for particulates.

hygiene hazards evaluationAnother option for an operation that is established and being used is to monitor the complaints or adverse health conditions.  Then those are compared to potential health impairments identified on the Safety Data Sheet.  This may actually tell you what the constituent of most concern is.  Take note that we are not recommending this approach since it can put workers at unacceptable risk.  However, we have had enough years in the field that tell us processes are often established and used regularly without the proper evaluation.

Another approach is control banding.  This groups chemicals according to similar characteristics, which may be physical or chemical.  Then, based on these characteristics, you decide how the chemical will be used and what the anticipated exposure hazards will be.  Appropriate work methods and controls are selected to eliminate or at least minimize the workers’ exposures.

Finally, there is industrial hygiene testing.  When properly completed, this is the best method to conclusively decide if there is truly a potential exposure to the workers.

So that concludes our overview of hazard evaluation in industrial hygiene.  In our next blog in this series, we will discuss specific evaluation of potential industrial hygiene hazards.  That process often includes industrial hygiene testing.

ESC - Hygiene HazardsIn the meantime, if you need any help, Environmental Safety Consultants ( is here.  We are a Florida licensed environmental engineering company with a CIH on staff.  We have the credentials and experience to help you complete your industrial hygiene project.  We have a proven track record with a Florida licensed environmental engineer and mold assessors, plus degreed environmental scientists on staff.  We specialize in industrial hygiene, indoor air quality, asbestos, lead paint, silica, noise, and more.

We are just a telephone call (800-226-1735) or an e-mail away (  Contact us today!

Industrial Hygiene Hazard Recognition Example

Industrial Hygiene Blogs So Far

This is the fourth in a series of blogs on industrial hygiene (IH).  The first one explained that industrial hygiene was the recognition, evaluation, and control of hazards in the workplace.  The second blog defined a hazard as a source of danger or an agent which has the potential to cause to harm to a vulnerable target.  Sources of hazards were identified in manufacturing, construction, maritime, office, and other workplaces.  Different types of resources were identified such as guidelines provided by the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA, and the National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH,  The third blog focused on the recognition or identification of hazards.  And, this blog will walk you through an example of hazard recognition for a specific operation.

IH Hazard Recognition Example

Industrial RecognitionLet’s say the operation is spray painting a finished metal part before shipping.  The part comes into the paint spray booth already deburred and sanded.  It is ready to paint.  The operation involves the following tasks:

  1. Clean/degrease the part
  2. Allow part to dry
  3. Fill paint pot with primer
  4. Spray part with primer
  5. Allow part to dry
  6. Sand primed surface to smooth it before final coat of paint
  7. Clean sanding debris from part
  8. Fill new paint pot with finishing paint
  9. Spray paint with finishing paint
  10. Allow to dry then send to shipping department
  11. Clean out spray guns and paint pots

So what are the hazards that you can identify?  Steps 1 and 2 could present an inhalation and skin absorption hazard due to the use of solvents containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs).  This could also be true for Steps 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, and 11 depending on the chemicals present in the primer and finish paint.  Additionally, during spraying, there could be a hazard associated with particulates.  This is also true of the sanding and cleanup in Steps 6 and 7.  There also may be metals of concern in the sand paper.

In terms of recognizing the specific potential hazards of most concern, that will depend on the constituents in the cleaner/degreaser, primer, sandpaper, and finish paint.  Without that information, the potential hazards of most concern will likely be vapors and particulates from the spraying steps.  How can you know?  That is where the industrial hygiene evaluation comes in.  But that will be covered in our next blog.

esc Industrial RecognitionSo that concludes our discussion of hazard recognition in industrial hygiene.  In our next blog in this series, we will discuss the evaluation of potential industrial hygiene hazards.  That process often includes industrial hygiene testing.  In the meantime, if you need any help, Environmental Safety Consultants ( is here.  We are a Florida licensed environmental engineering company with a CIH on staff.  We have the credentials and experience to help you complete your industrial hygiene project.  We have a proven track record with a Florida licensed environmental engineer and mold assessors, plus degreed environmental scientists on staff.  We specialize in industrial hygiene, indoor air quality, asbestos, lead paint, silica, noise, and more.  We are just a telephone call (800-226-1735) or an e-mail away (  Contact us today!

Hazard Recognition in Industrial Hygiene

Industrial Hygiene Recap

This is the third in a series of blogs on industrial hygiene.  The first one explained that industrial hygiene was the recognition, evaluation, and control of hazards in the workplace.  The second blog defined a hazard as a source of danger or an agent which has the potential to cause to harm to a vulnerable target.  Sources of hazards were identified in manufacturing, construction, maritime, office, and other workplaces.  The current blog will focus on the recognition of hazards.

What is Hazard Recognition?

hazard recognitionThe application of the term recognition in the industrial hygiene field is the identification of a hazard.  It may be one that is obvious and you are familiar with or it may be hidden and unknown to you.  An example of a known obvious hazard would be a dust cloud surrounding a worker dry sawing concrete.  Most people would recognize the dust as being a potential respiratory hazard and many would take it a step further and recognize that the silica most likely in the dust can cause silicosis.  On the other hand, a hidden hazard may be an oxygen deficient atmosphere in a confined space.  You cannot see the oxygen deficiency and you may not be aware that it is a potential hazard.  However, the atmosphere could result in asphyxiation and death.

How Do You Recognize Hazards?

First, review the task or operation.  Analyze each step from start to finish.  Begin with the materials, equipment, and procedures.  Review available information and data on Safety Data Sheets, Technical Data Sheets, hazardous materials guides and handbooks, and peer reviewed published literature.  Of particular assistance are the guidelines issued by the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA, and the National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH,  You should also discuss the operation with peers, cohorts, agency personnel, laboratory directors, and others.  Identify regulatory and industry limits for chemicals and dust in the air.  Break the task or operation down into sequential steps (i.e., like a manufacturing method).  Identify the hazards associated with each step and determine which ones are most important in terms of the likelihood of their occurrence and the severity of their hazards.

What Does All That Mean?

Well, a picture (aka an illustration) is worth a thousand words.  So, you need an example.  And that will be the subject of our next industrial hygiene blog.

esc Hazard RecognitionSo that is what hazard recognition in industrial hygiene is.  In our next blog in this series, we will walk you through an example of identifying the potential hazards in an actual industrial operation.  After that, we will delve into evaluating the hazards.  That process often includes industrial hygiene testing.  In the meantime, if you need any help, Environmental Safety Consultants ( is here.  We are a Florida licensed environmental engineering company with a CIH on staff.  We have the credentials and experience to help you complete your industrial hygiene project.  We have a proven track record with a Florida licensed environmental engineer and mold assessors, plus degreed environmental scientists on staff.  We specialize in industrial hygiene, indoor air quality, asbestos, lead paint, silica, noise, and more.  We are just a telephone call (800-226-1735) or an e-mail away (  Contact us today!

Industrial Hygiene Hazards

What is a Hazard in Industrial Hygiene?

In our last blog on industrial hygiene and a CIH (Certified Industrial Hygienist) we explained that industrial hygiene concerns the recognition, evaluation, and control of hazards in the workplace.  This is best handled by a CIH who has the education, training, experience, and credentials.  Further, the courts recognize a CIH as an expert in the field.  This blog deals with the recognition of hazards.

Definition of Hazard

Merriam-Webster dictionary ( defines hazard as a source of danger.  Wikipedia ( says that a hazard is an agent which has the potential to cause harm to a vulnerable target.  In occupational health and safety, it concerns the potential to injure workers or cause health problems.  Therefore, in industrial hygiene the hazard could be due to the operation or task, the materials, and the work environment.  Sources of hazards can be chemical, biological, physical, electromagnetic, or radioactive, among others.  Examples are solvents, viruses, mold, bacteria, particulates, ultraviolet light, microwaves, heat, absence of oxygen, and more.  They can be of natural origin or manmade.  Ultraviolet rays from the sun are natural and present an occupational health hazard for lifeguards.  The use of solvents to clean machine parts represents a manmade hazard source.

Manufacturing Hazards

Since industrial hygiene began with manufacturing, we will start there.  Hazards can occur from operations, raw materials, chemicals used, noisy equipment, heat, and the workplace atmosphere.  Operations creating hazards include cutting, grinding, blasting, fabricating, cleaning, and painting.  Chemicals with hazards can be solvents, epoxies, cleaners, pesticides, and paint.  Particulates can be generated from blasting, sanding, painting, welding, and soldering.  Noise can be generated from machines, compressed air usage, boom boxes, airplanes, trucks, and more.  And there are certainly more which we have not even mentioned.

Construction Hazards

Industrial Hygiene HazardsMany of the industrial hygiene hazards in construction are the same as in manufacturing.  However, certain sources are more unique or prevalent due to the nature of construction.  Examples are concrete installation, finishing, and removal; paver installation; remodeling and demolition involving lead based lead paint, asbestos containing materials, bird feces, mold, and bacteria; digging in soil; and painting.

Maritime Hazards

The focus here is in shipyards and boatyards.  Sources of hazards could include all of the above.  Further, heat and oxygen deficient atmospheres can be even more prevalent than in manufacturing or construction.  Asbestos and lead based paint are often common sources.  And of course noise inside boats and ships can be major due to tight quarters.

Office & Other Workplace Hazards

And finally, there are sources of hazards in offices and other workplaces.  These sources can affect indoor air quality on a short term or long term basis.  Janitorial chemicals and vacuums can have an immediate effect on workers.  The health effect may be acute or immediate, or chronic or long term.  Damp buildings and mold can affect hyper-sensitized individuals.  Office machines can be sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including formaldehyde.  Adjacent industrial operations or remodeling can be sources of the construction and manufacturing hazards listed above.

ESC - Industrial Hygiene HazardsSo there are the details on industrial hygiene sources of hazards in various workplaces.  Stay tuned for our next in depth blog on the process of identifying specific hazards from given operations.  In the meantime, if you need any help, Environmental Safety Consultants ( is here.  We are a Florida licensed environmental engineering company with a CIH on staff.  We have the credentials and experience to help you complete your industrial hygiene project.  We have a proven track record with a Florida licensed environmental engineer and mold assessors, plus degreed environmental scientists on staff.  We specialize in industrial hygiene, indoor air quality, asbestos, lead paint, silica, noise, and more.  We are just a telephone call (800-226-1735) or an e-mail away (  Contact us today!

Certified Industrial Hygienist & Industrial Hygiene

What is Industrial Hygiene?

Certified Industrial HygienistThe term raises a lot of questions from the general public.  They often include whether it is similar to dental hygiene or if it is a prescribed procedure for manufacturers to wash their hands?  It has been suggested over the years that perhaps industrial hygiene be replaced with occupational hygiene.  Maybe so, but that is not self-evident either.  Industrial hygiene concerns the recognition, evaluation, and control of hazards in the work environment.  It has evolved over the last couple thousand years and like a lot of things, exploded with the Industrial Revolution in the late 1800’s.  It involves identifying hazards on the job that can affect the health of workers.  It has grown out of the manufacturing sector, was applied directly to the construction and maritime industries, and now includes virtually any work environment with the recognition of hazards from asbestos, radon, mold, silica, indoor air quality, and, yes, most recently the novel coronavirus causing the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is a CIH?

A CIH is a Certified Industrial Hygienist, or a credentialed industrial hygienist.  Although anyone can label themselves an industrial hygienist, not everyone can say they are truly a CIH.  It takes a bachelors or masters degree in industrial hygiene, or in biology, chemistry, or engineering, with the core science and industrial hygiene courses to become a CIH.  Then, one must work under another CIH for five years.  After that, an application is completed and submitted to the Board for EHS Credentialing, (formerly American Board of Industrial Hygiene,  The final step is to take the examination which covers core competency and actual practice.  But wait, there is more!  Continuing education is required and quite rigorous.  Upon satisfactory completion of that requirement, re-certification is required every five years.

Why use a CIH?

The reason is because a Certified Industrial Hygienist has the education, training, experience, and credentials to properly complete your industrial hygiene work.  The work should be court defensible.  What?  Not planning on going to court?  Unfortunately, in today’s litigious society, it doesn’t matter.  Especially in the world of employee exposure to hazards.  Since the CIH credential came about in 1956 from the American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH), courts have come to recognize the expertise and credibility associated with that credentialed professional.  I have personally been allowed to testify in a case in the 12th Judicial Circuit Court in Florida while the non-CIH was denied.

ESC Certified Industrial HygienistSo there is an overview of industrial hygiene and what a CIH is!  Stay tuned for our next in depth blog on industrial hygiene testing.  If you need any assistance, Environmental Safety Consultants ( is here.  We are a Florida licensed environmental engineering company with a CIH on staff.  We have the credentials and experience to help you complete your industrial hygiene project.  We have a proven track record with a Florida licensed environmental engineer and environmental scientists on staff.  We specialize in industrial hygiene, indoor air quality, asbestos, lead paint, silica, noise, and more.  We are just a telephone call (800-226-1735) or an e-mail away (  Contact us today!